Monday 27 December 2010

Stuff i made

Well i'm at my parents and taking the oppurtunity to quickly use their camera and take some photos of some things i've made. The bowl in the back is the first bowl i ever made, it was made of green cherry and i can still remember the sweet smell it had, i remember carrying it back to show my mum after school. You probably can't see from here but it's got a massive crack in it where it dried too quick, it was made from a half log and i now know could have done with the first few tight growth rings removed to relieved tension in  it. There is an olivewood (i now only use native woods sourced by me) shot glass on the left which made the vodka at uni taste bad. In front of that is a little ash surf board that could be a key ring or pendent i made one for each of the kids at the school when i left. Amongst the rest is a bit of eccentric turning to make a queen for a chess set, some heads, a couple of pendents and a candlestick. The Bowl and candlestick are now my parents and the rest hang around in boxes as nicknaks and half finished projects waiting to be resurrected.

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