Monday 27 December 2010


Little me, or at least littler i'm around 12/13 yr old in this photo, the man is Roger Jones who gave me my woodworking beginnings. He was my CDT teacher at school and was very much into his woodwork, he taught me to turn and in my teens i was very much into turning bowls. skip forward 7 years and i'm working as his assistant in the school, by this time he had a plan to build a timber framed building in the school grounds this is now affectionately known as the Tudor House it's a simple cruck design with wattle and daub, those bit's of green oak were heavy! Whilst working for Roger he had Mike Abbott's book Green Woodwork and from that book we built some pole lathes and shaving horses.


  1. Nice post. That's a cool timber frame. I wish to build a timber frame some day.

  2. It's beautiful isn't it, unfortunately i was only there for the beginning of the project so cut a few joints but wasn't there for the raising. I have been involved in other small scale stuff at Living Wood doing wattle and daub mostly. A hard sloyd life does some great hewing of beams, i'd love to have a big hewing axe.
