Monday 27 December 2010

Fire by Friction Sets

Whilst doing my assistantship with MIke Abbott i was making and selling these Friction Fire sets, they sold very well but are not so viable when travelling around, the packaging made them sell much better than by themselves and also turned them into a nice looking gift. I got some of these going for the Wye Wood Project in Herefordshire.


  1. No wonder they sold so well Barn, the packaging is very good. Also a great idea to do them in different colours, people seem to be more willing to buy when they have a choice - do you find that so with your spoons?

    Enjoyed these retrospective posts, as The New Year dawns it's traditionally a good time to look back, and forwards.

  2. That's a great little kit! The packaging really makes it stand out too, I'd sure buy one.

    Wonderful Whittlin'
