Wednesday 17 August 2011

Poo bags

Strange phenomenon of hanging poo bags, anyone else noticed these, I guess people get bored of carrying them, I see quite a lot of them on my travels.


  1. There is a town in Scotland West Kilbride, I think, a little craft town, with signs vaguely saying if you drop a bag of dog poo, you get fined twice, once for letting your dog foul and another for littering.

  2. This revolting habit is everywhere. I just don't get the mentality of those people who do it. I went foa walk this afternoon, down a long track, and there in the middle of nowhere was a poo bag, left on the side of the track, I have found them in the middle of a field, hanging from our hedge, in our garden even, thrown over the fence. I much prefe to see the poos, at least they will degrade, poo in plastic? they hang there, like a very bad smell...:-(

  3. I can't even understand why people do that? Why even pick it up if you aren't going to dispose of it. I would say that people are lazy, but if that is the case why even pick it up? People confuse me sometimes.

  4. As a former fulltime countryside dweller & worker, dog owner & general dog lover...but not necessarily of their human partners ;)...I was learnt...yonks ago.,, by a National Trust warden(Joe Lawrence, Cotehele on the Tamar) that it would be far better for the poo to be taken from the general trackway & broken up amongst undergrowth...and then the bags alone could be disposed of(dirty bags can be stuffed into a 35mm film cannister..which is also used for your ciggie butts) foregoing the necessity of disposal of a consirable larger volume... I've also often mooted this to urban_village dwellers also...but MOST continue to dispose in over used, under emptied, cascading RED buckets of danger positioned at average child face height.. :o(

    I now live on the far Western tip of the South West Coastal path and by far the most rubbish you will find is the bags of poo AND by far the most complaints you hear from visitors is about the amount of dog poo present or the bins being over the visitors themselves!!!!!

    What they don't see in their brief visits here is the picking up some of us NONE-owners of dogs do_do_d000 to keep our own sanity and safety for others...but heyho...better that than them having even more to be judgemental of.

  5. Tom, I have the same view.

    I'm a dog owner but I generally don't scoop poop, but that's because I tend to go places where I don't see it as a problem. If she goes somewhere like a footpath or by the local school, of course I pick it up but if I'm in the woods, not a chance!

    However, I have recently noticed that Tesco nappy bags are now degradable. I don't know about other dog owners but that's what we use for any scooping.
