Tuesday 21 December 2010

Love Spoons?

I got an answerphone message a few days ago from Anthony he had got hold of my number from someone on the internet, he wanted a love spoon and was fairly abrupt and demanding in his message. I'm not a fan of love spoons, modern ones tend to be cut out of thin boards with a fretsaw and are never used as spoons. And the whole concept of paying someone to carve a lovespoon does not sit well with me. I was planning to call the man back but kept putting it off mainly because i didn't want to have to explain over the phone why i don't carve "lovespoons". Before i managed the return call i had recieved two more messages with increasing obstinancy, he came across as a man who is used to getting what he wants. This of course has stopped any desire to call him back. i have done some postal orders of spoons but only to people i know or have at least met before. i was selling spoons through a gallery in Bristol but i have now stopped as they don't buy them up front and i sell all the spoons i make anyway so why give them 20%. That said i do sell spoons to Douggie, i like him and he is willing to buy in bulk which makes it just about worth my while and though he makes very little from the spoons they do add to his stand at fayres.


  1. well done not phoning back. don't let the *** get to you! your spoons are beautiful and you deserve to sell them for a good price to people who appreciate them.
    solstice greetings.

  2. Hi barn, good to hear you are selling all the spoons you make. What I can not believe is a gallery that only takes 20% commission, I dream of finding such galleries. The ones I know double my price!
    Anyway if you are ever in Plymouth we must spend some time talking and making spoons
    Happy solstice Sean

  3. Yah I must agree. I don't care for love spoons much. Nor pushy costumers. I had this one lady well... a very similar type ha.. Good to hear your selling all you have. Maybe it's time to up the price on them.

  4. Hi Barn, Nice to see a new blog post. I haven't sold any spoon but have given most away. I have had a few people tell me what they want but I just carve what I like.

  5. Love your appraoch to the pushy a**. Some people do not deserve to enjoy your/own work.
    A gallery only taking 20%? Where do I sign up? I'm glad you are selling well. Continue to be well in the New Year.

  6. The more I read, the more I like you! I wish more folks would be as stand up as you with respect to what they will tolerate, and will not. It's your mind, body, and effort that produces these wonderful objects, and it is you who will decide how and when someone may receive one.

    Happy Holidays!
    Best Regards,
    Albert A Rasch
    Albert Rasch In Afghanistan™

  7. Excellent entertaining opinionated post Barn, of course we all feel the same but not many of us say it in public. I have a strong dislike for the whole commercial love spoon thing too. You do know yo will always be poor? But rich in other ways.

  8. Right well i can't figure out how to reply to individual comments so i'll put it here. Firstly Robin Fawcett (treewright blog) wanted to post that i should have past the customer to Adam King who makes love spoons, and he is right if the guy calls again i will. Second happy solstice and now happy christmas to all, i was at the Cherry Wood Project for solstice party with the Tim Gatfield and Oliver Weight they have loads of axes and are well nice. Third the gallery charged more for big paintings etc but my spoons took up little space and they preferred the higher turnover, and anyway i told them they couldn't have them at 50%. I think i should charge more for my spoons but not much more, at the moment i sell most eating spoons at £5/7 i try to charge £10/hr. i may give myself a pay rise to £12 in the new year.
