Tuesday 19 October 2010

this all goes in the black waterproof bag that sits in the top of my pack along with my tools bag and bag of spoons. i keep my woolly hat in there so it's dry i have a headtorch which at night is always on my head and i'm in two minds about. i keep everything in this bag that doesn't fit elsewhere: a wallet, with my co-op account card, the waterproof match box with matches and a sewing kit, a little note book and usually a bic biro, a little bell, nail clippers and puncher repair kit (which i have a very funny story about). I started my journey with this folding saw but found it very tiresome and soon got rid of it in exchange for the irwin panel saw below.


  1. All good stuff, but I'm curious what you use the bell for - no bears this side of the sea!

  2. the bell was given to me as a leaving present by some traveller friends, they said as a peddlar your not allowed to shout about the wares you have for sale but you are allowed to ring a bell. It came in useful a couple of times sleeping rough in towns when i put it on my bag to act as an alarm in case it got nicked.
