Monday 20 September 2010

Leamington Spa!

This is my first post and i have 7 min off free internet time to use at the library so it will be brief. I intend to settle once november comes round before then i'm off to the APF show and then hopefully meeting another spooner further north, at which point i will be going back to london and doing a week with the Tower hamlet cemetry park group. Once settled i will reply to all emails and start to arrange when i can come to carve you spoons, i will also write a condensed and hopefully less tedious version of my diary for this summer, at which point i will make more regular posts. I hope to running some spoon carving courses in somerset and also running spoon club...more about that to follow. Despite what they wrote in the big issue i am not the last spoon carver, their are plenty and i plan to write a bit about those that have inspired me.

spoon on people.

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